Management of engineering surveys
Management of engineering surveys is a package service that includes coordination of surveys and collection of input data sufficient for design and expert review purposes.
The survey management service can be provided both as part of general design and a stand-alone service at all stages of design and survey activities.
The survey management service includes:
- SHANECO will be responsible for the whole set of surveys as specified in the contract within the prescribed timeframe and for the quality of input data for design.
- A highly qualified project team is formed to be fully focused on addressing designers’ needs and the customer’s intention.
- Management of resources; coordination of specialised survey and investigation organisations.
- Survey deadline management.
- Survey risk management.
- Timely submission of preliminary survey results to the customer and/or its contractors.
- Stakeholder communication management; daily status reports.
The survey management function is based on the PMI methodology compliant with the PMBoK standard (please see the General Design section for a summary of the methodology).